Anisha Ana


I am Anisha Ana, Since my very young age, I have been aware that there is more than meets the eye.

I could sense very early that there are energies that we can work with. After many years of working in the healthcare sector, I have gained a lot of knowledge about people and their needs. I have had many experiences which allowed me to connect with the beauty of the human beings.

Being a very curious being, eager to always discover more about myself and others, I continued my self discovery path with numerous trainings, such as hypnosis, soulwork, shamanism, quantum healing, reiki, kundalini master, multidimentional facilitator, life coach and different meditation techniques.

Seeing, feeling an knowing has started with my own inner process that did not always go smoothly. Whether it was a soft experience or a harsh one, I have always decided to move forward. Our constant moving forward allows us to welcome change in our life and this is a truly beautiful process.

There is always hope for change. And to made this change happen my sisters and I helped each other with listening, opening up and really feeling each other to the core. We started to be aware of the power of the field that we used and how much faster we could shift. I feel blessed with my sisters.

With love Anisha

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I am Ludmila, physically born in Moldova but feeling more like a child of the world. Until the present moment, I have been led to juggle between different roles (a mother, a wife, a sister, a child, a light language activator, a hypnotherapist) which are all connected through a main red thread: the love for life and for freedom.

My life experiences, which included loss, separation and pain, have allowed me to crack my heart open and feel the beauty of this life. I was led to meet my powerful sisters Catia, Dana and Anisha who are amazing alchemists. They are my mirror and my compass towards my own Truth. We decided to come together because our collective path of remembering was never designed to be lonely. We are all on this path together, even if each and one of us has to go through individualized experiences as per your own pre chosen design.

Through our joint work, I wish to hold space for you to connect with your own Truth. The Truth that goes beyond your limited perception of who you are. I wish to hold your hand so that you can remember that the person you have been waiting for, is you.

With love, Ludmila

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My name is Catia, I live in Catania a city located on the Mediterranean Sea at the bottom of the Vulcano Etna in the beautiful and sunny Sicily island.

I have three amazing kids and I love to be around kids from new borns to young adults as much as I love to be around people in general. Being highly sensitive and emphatic allows me to feel any human deeply and have heart to heart, soul to soul connections and conversations. This a true gift and honor for me.
After experiencing some traumatic events and being in a long period of illness I was able to reconnect to my true self following the path of the spiritual awakening. An awakening to my heart and souls call to be an instrument of the Divine Source at service in the best way I can. In this path I met my true soulsisters : Dana, Anisha and Ludmila. Together we share an amazing bond and true care for one another and for people.

Moving forward in my spiritual path I have gradually surrendered to my innate gift to connect to the inner child of people but I prefer to call it the “YouChild” as it’s not separate from you. The “YouChild” represents for me the most authentic, pure, vulnerable and uncorrupted part of ourselves. It is our true essence, our core of existence on Earth: both as soul and human beings.

My heart and souls desire is to empower people of all ages to reconnect to their true self and to their heart so that each person in their unique way  can be free to live life in harmony with themselves and with all there is around: all that is visible and invisible.



I’m Dana, born in Russia with roots in Bulgaria but there many different colors to my soul. I have been guided to reside in Belgium where I live with my wonderful son.

Even when I was very young I have always believed there is more to life then what we learn in school and from society. The spiritual world has always piqued my interest and I have always been fascinated with matters that trascend the human mind.

My personal journey is one of discovery about the deeper meaning of life and about a decade ago I started to experince Spirit in the most profound way. I started to see, feel and sense divine guidance from beyond the veil and I realized how this presence is something that every human being has. A whole new world opened up for me and this awareness took me on a path of learning that the key to every relationship we have in life is self-love. While I opened up to this discovery I have been guided to start creating intuitive portraits for others and helping them with remembering their own inner power and their true self through art. Art is a way for me to express myself in a creative way but I also channel Source through written messages, card readings and other mediums to help people on their path.

Through divine guidance I have met my three beautiful soul sisters. We have decided to walk this path together to help others remember that they too have a family that transcends blood and is connected by the heart and soul. We have been brought together for a divine reason and I believe this is the time for us all to find our true family and to know that our home is with each other.
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A healer is not someone you go to for heailing. A healer is someone who helps you to find the key within you, for your own ability to heal.

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