DNA Healing Constellations : Collective clearings
As we have been guided to join our energies together after opening up to receive healing from each other we have also been working with the energies of the collective consciousness of humankind. Our world has a collective energyfield which contains the energy of everyone who lives on our planet. All conscious and subconscious beliefs / pain / trauma / karma is to be found within this large energetic field around the world. As we are healing as individuals we are simultaneously healing pieces of the core wounds of the collective human consciousness and breaking through the karmic cycles of ancestral patterns. Every human being that is born into our world carries coding and subconscious programming from our bloodline.
When we are unaware of the trauma’s we carry within ourselves then we can experience life as something frightening, unsafe, unpredictable, chaotic and hard. We are in a fight or flight mode trying to survive and cope with life as best as we are able to and often times we feel like we are failing at dealing with everything that comes at us. These are some the main core wounds of humanity.
While we have been doing many years of transformative healing on ourselves and each other we have been divinely guided to assist our beautiful planet with the same care and love. Our world is in dire need of a healing treatment that consists of the medicine of unconditional love. This is why we are doing healing constellations for mother earth and channeling the energies of the collective through our own unique channels.
We gather together and we let the inner child, inner mother / feminine, inner father / masculine of the collective consciousness of humanity come through us and express what needs to be heard and felt. We allow these energies to have a voice and communicate so that it can come to awareness of what needs to be understood, accepted and released. In healing sessions like these we bring back the balance in parts of the human consciousness that have been in pain for a very long time. We restore harmony by releasing attachments, negative beliefs, trapped emotions, vows, old energies that no longer serve the higher purpose and much more.
This a special time on earth where we have agreed upon working together to shift into a higher state of consciousness. And with these sessions we want to give the world extra love and attention we all need as a collective.
We want to offer you a look into the healing work that we do together for our planet. Soon you will be able to watch videos where we channel these healing frequencies so that you too can receive what is for your highest good.
Stay tuned as we are developing these videos so they can be released in the near future!