12 Oct By Dana Grozdanova 0 CommentIn Newsabundance, awareness, creation, divine energy, divine sexuality, dreams, empaths, energy healing, heal yourself, healers, healing, higher consciousness, higher self, kundalini, love, manifestation, self-love, sexual energy, source, spirit guides, spirituality, twin flameCreate and heal with your orgasmic energy
23 Sep By Dana Grozdanova 0 CommentIn Newsacceptance, awareness, collective consciousness, divine feminine, divine masculine, empath, empaths, energy healing, energy update, energy worked, healer, healing, higher consciousness, karma, lightworker, love, love yourself, releasing pain, self-love, spiritualtiy, transformation, traumaEnergy update: love for the divine masculine
14 Sep By Dana Grozdanova 0 CommentIn Newsancestors, awareness, belonging, connections, earth, empaths, energy healing, healers, higher consciousness, lightworker, purpose, souls, spirituality, traumaYou belong here